Eight companies and NGO’s joined the AI Ethics Code at AI Journey conference – Альянс в сфере искусственного интеллекта

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Eight companies and NGO’s joined the AI Ethics Code at AI Journey conference


A number of tech companies and organizations have adopted The AI Ethics Code, developed by the Alliance in the field of Artificial Intelligence. The official ceremony where new members have joined the Code was held on Wednesday, November 10th during a major Russian conference AI Journey, organized by Sber. The code was adopted by Visionlabs, Nanosemantics, Cognitive Pilot, VEB Ventures, Speech Technology Center, Atlansys Software, ANO “Dialog”, Bauman MSTU.

The AI Ethics Code was opened for accession on October 26th. The document was first signed by the members of the Alliance (Yandex, MTS, VK, Sber, Gazprom Neft and the Russian Direct Investment Fund) and leading companies and research organizations. Afterwards a number of AI market players have submitted to the Alliance their declarations of adopting the Code and therefore committed to its standards and requirements. About 30 companies and organizations have joined the Code so far.

The Code of Ethics proclaims human-oriented and humanistic approach to the development of AI technology, principles of non-discrimination, data security and information security, identification of AI in communication with humans and respect for the autonomy of the human will, responsibility for the consequences of the use of AI. Adherence to the code of ethics will become a key element of the social responsibility for companies developing and implementing AI technology in Russia

The Code of ethics is intended to become a recommendation document on ethics for all participants in the AI market: government, business, Russian and foreign developers. The Code establishes general ethical principles and standards of conduct that can guide players in the field of artificial intelligence.

As a tool for implementing the above-mentioned principles and provisions, the Code provides for the creation of an AI ethics commission, appointment of ethics commissioners, as well as the possibility of creating collegial industry ethics bodies. The Alliance will also develop methodological recommendations and a set of best practices for solving emerging ethical issues in the life cycle of AI.

Alliance in the sphere of AI was founded by the leading Russian tech companies in order to collectively develop their expertise and advance the implementation of AI technology in education, science and business operations. Yandex, SBER, VK, Gazprom Neft, MTS and RDIF are the six members of the Alliance. Its mission is to be the center of AI development in Russia and ensure leadership of Russia and the members of the Alliance in the global tech market.