AI Ethics Code discussed at the Civic Chamber – Альянс в сфере искусственного интеллекта

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AI Ethics Code discussed at the Civic Chamber


Today the Civic Chamber of Russia held a discussion of the draft National AI Ethics Code. The event was attended by experts from leading Russian IT-companies, as well as representatives of state authorities, research institutions and public figures.

The code, developed by members of the Artificial Intelligence Alliance Russia together with the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, requires adoption based on the growing public significance of AI technologies, said Alexander Kraynov, head of Yandex LLC’s Machine Intelligence Laboratory.

“The tasks laid down in artificial intelligence extend to millions of people, accordingly, the scale of error increases dramatically. We need restraining mechanisms,” said Mr. Kraynov.

Andrei Neznamov, Managing Director of the Sberbank AI Regulatory Center, outlined the main principles of ethics formulated in the code: the main priority of AI development is to protect the interests of every person; the responsibility for the consequences of using AI lies with the individual; AI technologies can and should be implemented immediately where they would benefit people; the maximum transparency and truthfulness of information about the level of AI development, its potential risks, successes and failures in application is important.